Superman can’t

Superman can’t

“The fulfillment of everything you think you want will entail the destruction of everything you currently think you are.”
—Carolyn Elliott


n my circles, there’s a great expression: What got you to where you are won’t get you to where you’re going (Marshall Goldsmith).

Now that’s perfect. Because the mind that created the problem (or solution) isn’t the same mind that can solve it (or go beyond it).

So when I say one of the keys to freedom includes “believe nothing,” what I’m pointing to is if you think you understand something, when you hold onto something as TRUTH, it will sit in your consciousness and take up space. Fill your consciousness with enough of these “truths,” and soon you won’t be able to see anything new.

“I’m not good with technology.”
“I struggle with communication.”
“I’m a great parent.”
“I excel at facilitation.”

Watch how holding onto any label keeps you limited.

In my training at the monastery, it became clear to everyone that I was extremely talented at learning new things and would become technically proficient at new skills quickly. But it was no surprise to me. A major identity I carried around with me throughout life was someone I called “Superman.” I could do anything I set my mind to!

What was discovered, however, was I was a lousy communicator. You see, I was Superman, and my success depended on being him full time. And Superman didn’t ask for help. He was able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and do it alone.

At one point, the monastery started heaping responsibilities upon responsibilities upon responsibilities onto me. On the one hand, Superman was thrilled. On the other, my success was over. There was no way I was ever going to be able to do everything I was asked to do. To this day, I secretly suspect that the monastery gave me all those responsibilities because they knew I needed to break free of Superman and communicate to truly succeed.

But I didn’t. Superman couldn’t be in 20 places at once, and he couldn’t do it alone, so everything crashed and made a mess. A big mess.

All because I held onto an identity that could easily have been dropped. Dropped so another one, a much needed one, could jump in and help me become successful. A part of me who communicated what he needed, asked for help, requested a team, involved others, or at least cried “uncle!”

You see, freedom lies in bringing nothing with you.

Freedom is a fresh moment that does not ask you to believe anything, but to remove all beliefs that keep the truth hidden.

In lovingkindness,

If you enjoyed this article, you can find a version of it in my book, Living the Zen Life: Practicing Conscious, Compassionate Awareness (Volume One).

If you enjoyed this article, you can find a version of it in my book, Living the Zen Life: Practicing Conscious, Compassionate Awareness (Volume Two).

If you enjoyed this article, you can find a version of it in my book, Living the Zen Life: Practicing Conscious, Compassionate Awareness (Volume Three).

If you enjoyed this article, you can find a version of it in my book, A Shift to Love: Zen Stories and Lessons by Alex Mill.

If you enjoyed this article, you can find a version of it in my book, Meditation and Reinventing Yourself.

If you enjoyed this article, you can find a version of it in my book, The Zen Life: Spiritual Training for Modern Times.


  Alex Mill trained in a Zen Buddhist monastery for nearly 14 years. He now offers his extensive experience to transform people’s lives and businesses through timeless Zen principles.

He is the creator of three powerful 30-day programs, Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring, Help Yourself to Change, and Your Practice, as well as the online Zen meditation workshop, Taming Your Inner Noise (now offered as The FREE Zen Workshop).

Alex has also written seven books on Zen awareness practice. The latest are entitled A Shift to Love: Zen Stories and Lessons (Get it for FREE here) and the 3-book series Living the Zen Life: Practicing Conscious, Compassionate Awareness.

He is a full-time Zen Life Coach who offers guidance and life-changing support to his private clients worldwide. Book a call.