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The Program


“I believe this program changed my life.

I feel unstoppable!”


“I believe this program changed my life.


I feel unstoppable!”

Are you ready for Inner Peace and Freedom?








Each of us has a voice of resistance and dissatisfaction in our heads.
It talks us OUT of doing the things that support us and INTO doing the things that don’t. Then, it beats us up for listening to it in the first place.
So if you’ve ever said you wanted to eat well, exercise, meditate, start a new project, improve performance in your business, create closer relationships, work on taking better care of yourself—yet find that you don’t!—Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring is for you.
You will learn how this voice works, you will experience an alternative to it, and you will practice choosing that alternative instead.


Embark on this journey to the heart



During this 30-day program, you will discover…


  • Who you authentically are.
  • What your heart’s desire is.
  • How to deal with any unhelpful resistance, sabotage, or habits that get in your way.
  • How to inspire yourself to stay focused.

  • How to access compassion 86,400 seconds out of your day.
  • How to guide yourself through any challenging situation.
  • How to begin creating the life you want.

  • Who you authentically are.
  • What your heart’s desire is.
  • How to deal with any unhelpful resistance, sabotage, or habits that get in your way.
  • How to inspire yourself to stay focused.
  • How to access compassion 86,400 seconds out of your day.
  • How to guide yourself through any challenging situation.
  • How to begin creating the life you want.


Together with other retreatants, you will learn how to bypass the voices in your head so you can navigate through life with more ease, wisdom, compassion and clarity.





Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring



  • 30 daily exercises that form the core of the program
  • A printable accountability calendar to keep you on track
  • A library of interactions between Alex and former retreatants
  • An online support forum with access to guidance
  • Optional weekly group sessions with Alex’s community
  • Four 50-minute one-on-one private sessions with Alex


Get started with a deposit of:


$1000 USD

Are you ready for Inner Peace and Freedom?



“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe,
deserve your love and affection.”
—The Buddha





How the program works:

  • Request a syllabus.
  • Read it over, and if you’re ready to apply, submit your application.
  • Schedule a call and apply today.
  • Click the big green “YES, I’m ready!” button.
  • Submit your application.
  • Once you are acceptedyour application has been accepted,, and payment has been made, you will receive introductory information about what to expect.
  • Schedule your private sessions with me, and read the information thoroughly.
  • Then, every day for 30 days, you’ll get an email in your inbox with access to the next class.
  • Do the assignments, comment on your experience, and I will personally reply to you with guidance and support.




Every week there will be a different module:

  • Days 1-7: Standing Up To Resistance
  • Days 8-14: Discovering YOU
  • Days 15-21: Opening Up To Compassion
  • Days 22-28: Compassionate Self-Mentoring
  • Days 29-30: Continuing the Good Work

During the month there will be journaling exercises, guided imageries, and PDF downloads of special class materials.
You have the option to read the assignments or listen to my narrated recordings of them (perfect if you enjoy learning through audio programs).

During the month there will be journaling exercises, guided imageries, and PDF downloads of special class materials.
You have the option to read the assignments or listen to my narrated recordings of them (perfect if you enjoy learning through audio programs).



Watch this 18-minute video of Karen Davis with her coaching apprentice, Matt Hogan, discuss his experience of doing the prograam to deepen his work with her.



Premium Support:
Unlike other online programs, I personally guide you and encourage you along throughout the program.
You’ll have the opportunity to schedule four private one-on-one sessions with me.
In those sessions, we’ll go deep to explore your insights, challenges and questions.
We’ll also work together to create the results you’re looking for.
You’re going to get everything you need to get the most out of your investment.


Zen Life Coach - Alex Mill
Zen Life Coach - Alex Mill

Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring was created by Alex Mill. He spent 14 years training as a facilitator and guide in a Zen Buddhist monastery and is now offering his years of experience to transform people’s lives through mindfulness, meditation, and compassionate self-awareness practices.
Alex is an expert on “the voices in your head.” He understands how thoughts affect your experience of life as well as your performance in business. Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring is his flagship coaching program that will share the essence of his teachings.




  1. What are the logistics of the program?

  2. How long will this take? Will I have enough time in my day to do the work?

  3. I think I’ll do this later when I have a lighter month with less going on. Is that a good idea?

  4. I’m concerned this will just be one more thing I sign up for and don’t do. Will there be accountability?

  5. Will this work for me?

  6. I’ll be traveling during the month. Should I sign up?

  7. I’m concerned about time zone differences. Are there any live elements during the month?

  8. How long will I have access to the program?

  9. I have a therapist/coach, in a mastermind/another course/recovery, on mood-altering drugs, etc. Will this conflict with what I’m already doing?

  10. Am I too advanced?

  11. Am I too much of a novice?

  12. How much does this program cost?

  13. Do you give refunds?

  14. What results can I expect?




Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring



  • 30 daily exercises that form the core of the program
  • A printable accountability calendar to keep you on track
  • A library of interactions between Alex and former retreatants
  • An online support forum with access to guidance
  • Optional weekly group sessions with Alex’s community
  • Four 50-minute one-on-one private sessions with Alex


Get started with a deposit of:


$1000 USD

Are you ready for Inner Peace and Freedom?



“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe,
deserve your love and affection.”
—The Buddha






(and there are LOTS of them!)


I don’t know where to start to explain the incredible transformation which took place for me during this 30-day program. I’ve used phrases like “standing on my head” and “having my world completely turned upside down,” but these do not even come close to the real EXPERIENCE I had.

I came to this course driven by my fear of anxiety and knowing that I needed guidance. Months prior, I had learned about meditation and started a practice because I had run out of coping strategies to deal with my anxiety. I knew I needed a teacher to go farther and deeper into this new meditation practice. I discovered Alex on a meditation Facebook page and quickly started following him and his teachings on his Facebook page, “The Zen Life-Alex Mill.”

In the “Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring” retreat, from Day 1 to Day 30, I was led down a path of discovery. This retreat is incredibly clever in the way it is crafted, and how one day builds on the previous days. I commented to Alex in the end that he needs to provide 365 days of these teachings and that I would gladly be his test subject.

Each day in the retreat was a completely new twist on whatever path you thought you were following. Alex follows along with you and comments on your insights. There is no right or wrong answer! The course requires that you be committed to follow it day by day, and I can assure you that commitment is a HUGE requirement. But wow, the benefits of your personal commitment to this course are life-changing. I mean that seriously. I went from an anxiety-ridden, sometimes paralyzed person to someone that now says: “I have the freedom to do whatever I want.” I learned effective ways to deal with the negative self-talk (Alex calls them voices) that defines anxiety and instead to tap into my creative, happy, joyful and kind self. I met my compassionate self-mentor and coach. She, btw, is an awesome force. I could not be more satisfied.

And a little more about Alex, the retreat creator. He reaches out to you and connects with the real YOU. Not the worried you, not the anxious or depressed you, but the authentic you. From the start in any one-on-one with him, you will be amazed at how upbeat and positive the conversation goes and if aware of it, the clever way he finds you.

I will finish by telling you I had my doubts. About Alex. About the course. About my commitment. About the cost. I did as much research as I could and talked with Alex a few times directly. How could I trust “this guy?” I’m here to reassure you that Alex is the real deal. I’ve not only gained a teacher, but he’s also become a friend. I affectionately refer to him as my “Zen Dude.”

—Christina, U.S.A.




Watch this 3-minute video from Sherry Welsh, a single mother and business professional, who was worried about not being able to do this work given her other commitments.


Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring
Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

I am usually skeptical about self-help programs because I have tried so many things in the past that just didn’t work. I am amazed at how much I have changed — both personally and in the way I handle my business. I feel so free and empowered! I learned so many helpful techniques that were easy (and worked!) that I can use anytime I need to push through whatever I feel is holding me back.


This course really changed my life for the better. I was in a pretty low and difficult place with a lot of “stuff” on my plate and many “voices” in my head — none of which I was obligated to entertain because this course helped me sort it all out and get me on MY path to happiness!


I will definitely do this online retreat again and tell others about what Alex offers. His guidance and encouragement throughout the 30-days is amazing! Thank you for offering such an awesome online retreat!


—Kelvin, U.S.A.


From Kelvin, three months later:


A crazy thing happened. As I started clearing out all those voices, I started moving ahead in my business and things are really taking off. It is amazing how the voices are giving up! I have so much energy and excitement and drive; I am just going after whatever I want and just keep moving forward! I moved into a much larger studio and am hosting art classes and teaching yoga! I keep your book in my studio to share with others when the conversation develops and always recommend people visit your site! It is just such an incredible transformation in myself! I still have “those days” from time to time, but I honor them and move ahead!



Please meet Zoe. She and I worked together for 90 days. And in those 90 days, she transformed her entire life.


I can’t thank you enough for the gift you provided me with this program.

It came at a perilous time in my life—where I was losing myself and falling apart—mentally and spiritually. Your program, weekly zoom calls, and daily practices truly brought me back from the brink of psychological disaster. What a blessing to have discovered you!

I am eternally grateful that you exist—that your kindness & experience are available—and that your courses & books are there to be digested—and that you welcomed me into your orbit with open arms.

I feel closer to the real me than I have in many years—more confident, tranquil, secure, and happy—ready to share and “unfold” my love with the world. I am excited for the best version of me!

Immediately after completing your course, I jumped on a last-minute flight to visit my father—who I had not seen in a few years. Without your course, I don’t know if I would have felt compelled to reconnect with my old man—who I love and admire greatly but who I have bumped heads with in the past. I let all of that go—and I had the most amazing time with him.

Thank you for reconnecting me with ME—my essence—my soul. But also opening my eyes and my heart to all the beautiful and incredible things in my life. I am a very lucky person. I will continue my daily practice of meditation, gratitude, self-mentoring, reflections, and mantras. It makes me feel great!

Lastly, I will enthusiastically evangelize your class to all who come my way and may need help. I hope you understand that this is my unique way of giving back to others and extending my everlasting gratitude to you. Eventually, I would like to continue taking your other programs and greatly look forward to your upcoming audiobook.

You are the best, Alex.

Thank you!
John, U.S.A




Become inspired by what could be possible for you. Listen to Laura share what happened for her in 30 days.


I signed up for this retreat because I felt at the end of my rope. I was not working productively, and I felt a pervasive sense of profound dread. I started with Alex’s online Zen meditation workshop, Taming Your Inner Noise, and he was incredibly generous with his time. The course application itself gave me a great deal of insight into my struggles and my role in keeping myself trapped almost completely in the past. The idea of the voices tricking me into not living my life and, rather, escaping with mind-numbing activities was transformative to me. Because of the in-depth application, I expected the course to expect a lot of me, and to help me address aspects of my life I felt completely helpless to work out myself. I believed I was a pathetic person, unworthy of the good things in my life, deserving of the bad, a failure at improving myself, and a petty squanderer of the gift of my life.


I learned that I am fine and welcome just as I am. I am able to make the choice of being here, in the present, exactly where I want to be. At first, the concept of the voices seemed like a convenient construct to let me off the hook. I quickly realized they have been the driving force behind my lack of engagement with and fear of the world; they were the internalized messages imprinted on me throughout my life. Noticing and studying them, I felt “the scales fall from my eyes.” I received the gift of my life, of living my life with joy, of gaining the skills to appreciate why I do what I do. I have dreams I can fulfill in a positive, grace-filled way.


“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”
—TS Eliot


My results, accomplishments, or transformations? I am my mentor, coach, and friend, and I may be with them anytime, really all of the time. I care for myself and listen deeply and clearly to myself and others. I am working productively and with passion, without self-consciousness and the worry that I am not enough. I am with family and friends in a way that nurtures me and no longer brings me to my knees. Listening clearly and deeply to the voices as well, I appreciate why I feel anxious, dread, panic, and neediness. I see my life through eyes of joy and well-being. I love learning, and I want to continue with my learning – with Alex and with me.


Compassionate Self-Mentoring requires self-examination and facing what feels awkward and painful. A commitment to showing up, to doing the work with courage and honesty, to believing in yourself is the practice and the gift. The supportive and inspiring loving kindness offered by Alex is a lovely model for the support and inspiration we may offer ourselves. The hands-on engagement actualizes the things we have hoped for ourselves by shifting our perspective from lack and helplessness to abundance and independence.


“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”
—Marcel Proust!


—Diana, U.S.A.




Julie is a high-performer who was stuck. Listen to her story about overcoming resistance and finally finding freedom.



I expected a deeper analysis of becoming mindful and learning more about my present self and how to continue down the path of becoming a better “me.”

Among many other things, I learned so much about self-compassion, mindfulness, and how to view the world in a more patient, present, and compassionate way. It has helped with my personal and business relationships and given me a platform and energy behind further study and growth.

I know that I have a long way to go, but I am so grateful for this practice. It has helped me become a better business owner, friend, father, and husband. It has opened my eyes to what is possible, particularly by reminding me of the best of who I am from my childhood.

This practice is amazing and transformational. Like anything important in life, it isn’t easy. It takes commitment, humility, and deep inner striving. But, I have enjoyed every day of it. I wish there were 31 days in this month!! 😊

Incredible gratitude goes out to the patient, compassionate, and so-wise, Master Alex (my appellation, surely not his. 😊).

—Rich H., U.S.A.

Before signing up for the retreat, I thought I didn’t have the time to really engage in it as I was going through a month full of exams. But the retreat turned out to help me with my studying habits and with my performance in the exams.

I was also going through a period of confusion and I believed that there were too many things in the spiritual realm that I had to figure out. I felt that this retreat would simply not help me with that. I was reading everything I could get hands on, and making the snowball bigger by overthinking it all.

From doing the course, I’ve experienced deeply profound insights in understanding what-is-what and who-is-who in this life game.

I’ve learned that it is not books that really teach, but your life experience, and that REALLY, there is an amazing treasure inside of me, and of us all.

I have learned that I really do care and want the very best for myself, and that I don’t have to work very hard to obtain or gain self-love. Self-love is already in here, and it is always waiting for me to come back home.

I have learned that what the mind THINKS is the wisest thing to say, or to do, is often times not in alignment with what the heart KNOWS is needed.

Reading and reading and theorising about who you are, is very different from knowing who you really are.

I have also learned from this retreat that the mind will do everything to avoid experiencing pain, and that who you are simply wants the best for you, and that means very compassionately calling and opening to your pain to be experienced, without fear, and with such a trust and warmth that it is astonishing how sweet it can be.

My biggest transformation (even though it is still tiny), has been, in brief, to switch my attention to a compassionate voice inside of me that I never believed I myself could have. I always thought that this “compassion thing” was only for a few people, but I am learning that if I focus on it, it is always there, AND that truly is the answer to everything.

I have learned how desperately I need my own compassion because I have always been very hard on myself. Just a glimpse of it is healing.

Also, I would like to highlight Alex’s guidance through all this process. In my experience, we all participants in the retreat show up with our most frightening vulnerabilities, and Alex shows up with such a joy and compassion, absolutely 0 judging and appreciation for you and the work you are doing. He makes you feel like you are loved and very welcomed. His love for life glows even through a screen!! He gives such potent insights that just that is worth experiencing.

—Belén, Spain

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

I had known about Alex’s Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring online retreat for a number of months before I made the decision to take the plunge. I’m glad I didn’t wait a month longer. (Or worse yet, allowed resistance to talk me out of it all together). I came out of it happier, kinder to myself (and others), and equipped with practical tools to provide myself with the wisdom and compassion I’d been seeking from the outside.

Alex has put together a fun, solid, and well organized program which he leads you through with humor and compassion. It’s obvious that he loves what he is doing and is excited to share his wisdom and insights with others. Alex truly cares about you as an individual and it shows in the personal responses he gives each participant. It’s a life changer!

—Rick, U.S.A.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this retreat. It is EVERYTHING Alex claims it to be and MORE. Which is nothing short of refreshing in this day and age of “coaches” taking our money and not delivering the value. This retreat is life-changing and Alex offers deep wisdom and insight. Sign up today!!

—Sally, U.S.A.

I wanted to have a genuine, compassionate and loving relationship with myself. I’m so versed in being this way for others, but was lacking my own value and recognizing it in myself. My inner child was needing some serious love, and I was able to do that for her. She is happier and healthier than ever!

I also wanted to reconcile all the anger and blame I put on myself and my mother for the way my life has turned out. It was a breakthrough to speak honestly with her and then to forgive both her and myself.


Thank you 😊

I learned that it is all within/in me. There are endless ways to support myself and live compassionately with all that I show up to be…which I thought in the past was too much.

I discovered that I really can make decisions, love without conditions and speak my authentic truth. And live IN the present moment, which is a big shift for me.

This retreat has something for absolutely everyone!!! The lessons are so valuable and life-changing, it should be a required course in schools, churches, and other self-help institutions.

—Jillian, U.S.A.

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Before starting the retreat I was plagued with self-doubt and negative voices in my head telling me all sorts of things I couldn’t do or at least could never do right. I ate poorly even though I knew it was making me sick and overweight. I lived between moments of happiness and self-loathing.

I really can’t put into words how much this retreat has changed my life! This is well worth any amount of money! I feel much more confident and capable of making decisions. I haven’t beat myself up over anything in weeks! I’m much less stressed and eating better. I feel less sick and worn down because of it. I feel more connected with other people. Being more compassionate with myself has allowed me to be more compassionate with others!

I can’t recommend this retreat enough! It is truly a Life-Transforming experience! Thanks Alex!

—Greg, U.S.A.

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

I was not too sure of doing an “online” retreat as I have not had much success in the past with them. I tend to like “live” events. My desire to do it was increasing my level of compassion. I originally thought for others, but also liked the idea for myself.

I learned so much about how I’m able to let myself be heard, taken care of, supported and loved. I understand more now after the 30 days that everything I ever need is right here with me. I had heard and read that in the past, but now I actually have experienced it first hand through this program and really, really get it!!

The most powerful aspect for me was hearing my own voice and hearing the wisdom that resides within. I never actually heard it for myself and when I did, it changed everything! I’ve gotten more clarity, in sync with the rhythm of the universe and am much gentler with myself and others around me… unbelievable difference!!

I highly, highly recommend this course!! Alex’s years of experience practicing compassion and the interaction with you throughout the course is what makes it come alive! Even though it is “online”, I still felt like Alex was with me all the way through, day-by-day!

—Sherry, U.S.A.

I feel my inner kindness towards myself has increased. I have also adopted a good meditation habit from the 30 days. Up until this point, I do not recall ever meditating for more than a few days without drifting off the habit for weeks or months.

I thoroughly recommend this course. It is a truly unique and transforming experience, like no other I have engaged in. It really does have an effect and is not shallow, but deep and meaningful. It has made an everlasting impression on me.

—Mike, United Kingdom

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

I did expect to learn something about myself, but I did not expect to lose weight without trying, completely wean off Celexa, a low-level antidepressant, and be able to access my full creativity again during the four weeks of the retreat.

—Erin, U.S.A.

From Erin 2 months later: I continue to benefit from increased inner permission to lean toward joy, less worrying about what others think, heightened awareness of when I need to give myself a pep talk or hug, and a steady meditation practice 2 months past completing the retreat. I describe it to people as “life-changing” and can’t recommend the course enough! Thank you for your generosity in sharing this with the world. 🙂

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Awesome retreat. Recommended to anyone who wants to fight resistance, procrastination, and self-hate or who just wants to develop a better relationship with her/himself.

—Szilvia, Germany

Before the retreat, my problem was overcoming resistance and listening to negative self talk — just enough to take me out of action.

I learned, and soon understood, just how active the voice in my head actually is. The commentary literally rarely stops. I also noticed that this commentary is rarely compassionate or helpful. It is usually judgemental and negative. It is full of shoulds, can’ts and commentary on others.

I realized early on in the course how to overcome and even laugh at resistance and that negative self-talk. To notice the voice and watch it, but not allow it to consume my whole mind or act on those impulses. To allow the thoughts and voice to just be, however not allow it to create emotions that affect my actions. I also believe this helps me live more from deliberate choices and less from habit.

Many of the exercises made me a bit uncomfortable! Gently pushing the edges of my comfort zone day-by-day. This continuous expansion of my comfort zone and day-by-day triumph over resistance has made running my business much more enjoyable and I feel much less resistance throughout the day. Another huge benefit I have found is an increased feeling of the spaciousness of time. No need to rush.

—Dave, Canada

Over the years, I’ve participated in many activities in an attempt to still the “inner critic”, to have self-compassion, to practice mindfulness. I would push and push myself, believing that if I could just find the right technique and perfect it, then I could learn to love myself. And while I learned a lot on that journey, I often felt like I was going through the motions, doing someone else’s technique, and never connecting with any feelings of love.

This retreat was different. Alex’s ideas, assignments, and personal support helped me discover my own way to care for myself. He showed me how to take the natural love I’m able to express to others and turn it toward me.

Now, as we reach the end of the retreat, I find love, joy, and gratitude bubbling up in unexpected places, as if by magic. There’s still criticism, negativity, and judgment bobbing around in my mind, sometimes quiet, sometimes loud. But now kindness, compassion, and wisdom are there too, to help me weather the storm.

—Maile, U.S.A.

I signed up for the retreat after reading Alex’s book, A Shift to Love. I was at a point in my life where I felt I needed to grow in certain areas and decided to sign up for the retreat to facilitate in that endeavor.

The retreat was more than I could have imagined. It gave me a base from which to work from so I could become more confident in my decisions, love myself, appreciate my good qualities, and be open to the possibilities that lie ahead.

The result of the retreat was that I became more capable of making really good decisions for myself. I could use the love I had for myself to not beat myself up for any thing I was struggling with. I had myself as the support I needed to get through any tough times.

If you feel that there must be something more out there, that you are missing something in your life, that you need help with getting through difficulties, or that you have patterns you want to change, I believe this month long would be of a great help! I am so grateful I took the plunge. It was fun, challenging, enlightening, caring, and kind. Also completely unexpected. Alex does an amazing job of building the month long in a systematic way so that each day builds upon the next. He is there every step of the way to support you so that you have a successful program. I am forever grateful.

—Marion, U.S.A.

I expected the retreat to be great. It turned out to be transformational.
Before I started, I felt I had a good level of self-awareness yet still experienced lots of ‘noise’ between my ears.

Through completing the 30-day online retreat, I feel I have a closer relationship with myself and I have a better understanding of the real me vs. the voice of resistance.

I find myself treating myself kinder, more compassionately and I feel generally happier! My romantic relationship has improved greatly over the last 30 days, something I didn’t expect to happen. My level of presence has increased, which is having a positive effect on my business as well as my personal life.

I’m excited about the future!

—Will, Germany

Before starting this online retreat, I had a difficult time being with myself. I wasn’t even sure who I was. I had very low confidence in myself and often stopped myself from doing things that would help me grow in a positive manner. I would allow the voice to constantly badger, beat me up, and hold me back from a lot. It even stopped me from creating new relationships and taking new opportunities at work. I thought the voice was just me thinking of every possible outcome and was trying to keep me safe. But I was wrong.

What I learned is that the voice is not me!

It is there to keep me down. This retreat awakened me to that and showed me how to counter that voice! How to stop it dead in its tracks.

In doing this online retreat I have learned how to be a support for myself. I don’t need another person there to make me feel good about who I am because I can do that for myself!

I learned more about who I am, my laugh, what my real voice sounds like, how supportive and compassionate I can be, how to listen, how to be comfortable with myself, and how to mentor myself in times of stress and worry.

This retreat also gave me tools to stop habits and to create new practices! I experienced a ton of growth!

As a result, I have established new friends the voice often told me I should not engage with for silly reasons. I have taken on more responsibilities at work teaching classes that the voice told me I could not teach — but here I am killing it with new permanent classes on my schedule and looking into a potential raise!! I have become more confident in myself and learned to communicate with myself and those around me in a more compassionate way, thus making my relationships better! I have been given a practice to continue on with knowing that whatever hardships may arise I am here for me!

This retreat was fun and full of new surprises everyday! It allowed me use my creativity to the fullest and it unlocked secrets about myself I never knew! It gave me universal tools I can use in every aspect of my life.

Above all, it gave me a relationship with myself

—Sierra, U.S.A.

Self Mentoring Retreat

I believe this retreat has changed my life. This is not something I say lightly and, in fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever said it about anything.

A month ago the negative self-talk would have been swirling around inside my head, beating me up, tearing me down. The tone and content of the conversations I have with myself are so completely different now! I feel more confident and able to deal effectively with the tough things life throws in my path. I’m so excited!! It’s so amazing to know a new way.

I feel unstoppable!

—Anita, U.S.A.

I feel more in touch with myself, more willingness to celebrate my achievements, and more delight in just being me. Commit to the whole nine yards — the whole month — and it will pay you back greatly in a better understanding of self-compassion and growth.

—Trace, United Kingdom

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Knowing that I was being way too hard on myself and wishing there was a way to be kinder to myself, I learned (by doing the assignments in this retreat) that there is an innate part of me that is kind, compassionate, wise, and loving.

I learned that I can fall down and then get back up again and feel good about my efforts to complete the course, which was an accomplishment for me since I have so often “dropped out” of things like this in the past.

Alex was incredibly encouraging and patient. He even took the time to help coach me over the phone when I was feeling really stuck in the middle of the retreat.

I think anyone who ever struggles with the voices in their heads would benefit from doing Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring. Anyone that is ever unkind to themselves or imagines they are not enough, not doing enough, not good enough, not ____ enough, this work will help you to see what’s really true and how to live into that truth with more grace and ease than you could have before.

—Tal, U.S.A.

Alex truly does provide insightful guidance through this month long retreat of empowering self-discovery that flipped my view of the world downside up and upside down, the result being a much more kind, compassionate, loving relationship with myself that translates into all my interactions with others. People notice the difference!

— Michele, U.S.A.

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Before I started this online course, I was struggling every day to enjoy my life, to move forward from divorce and events that I thought defined me and had me feeling like I was stuck in thick mud.

Heart-to-Heart taught me to identify and separate my TRUE self from that of thoughts/feelings that are just habitual, fear-based dialogues I adopted throughout my life experiences. I have transformed into a Robyn who more easily recognizes herself and makes decisions rooted in my genuine interests.

Alex is a heart-full, deeply compassionate and committed guide. His presence, support and spot-on encouragement made this course have the BRILLIANT impact that it did. The course AND Alex together are the magic. Thank you, dear one.

—Robyn, U.S.A.

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Before starting this course, I was feeling quite stuck. I was caught up in my day-to-day tasks and perceived obligations. I was wanting to create more in my life; I was looking for a boost out of the stuckness.

By doing this online retreat, I learned the many tactics that are used to sabotage my growth and happiness. I appreciated the perspective of ‘the voices’ because it allowed me to separate myself from the limiting thoughts that arise within me. In separating myself from them, I was able to clearly see that they only have power over me if I allow them the power. I can choose the more loving, compassionate and encouraging thoughts.

—Jessica, U.S.A.

I wanted to find a way to identify the “voices” of resistance in my own head and learn not to let them control me.

Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring helped me realize that I am actually doing much better than I thought and that I am a better person than “I” (the Voices?) thought. Through one particular exercise, I discovered that I already possess many of the qualities that I admire in others and that was very surprising to me.

Additionally, I learned so many techniques and strategies in this retreat. One very important one was to be my own mentor in any given situation.

In another, I learned how to be a better listener to myself and those around me. It inspired me to be a more present and attentive listener with my 4-year-old boy. And that’s been transformational to our relationship. If this one, seemingly “small” thing was the only thing that came from me signing up for this retreat, it would have been worth 10 times the cost!

—Bret, U.S.A.

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

I participated in Alex Mill´s Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring online retreat twice and it has been an absolutely astonishing experience, which I can whole-heartedly recommend attending. I loved how he uses unique tools and techniques to help us gain very important insights. The daily assignments are a lot of fun, go deep, are never boring and very effective. The sequence of the assignments is very well chosen and contains some really good surprises. I learned a lot about myself during this process and it has been absolutely eye and mind-opening to me. Thank you so much, Alex, for all your work. Very grateful for you.

— Arzu, Germany

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

The big shift for me was being able to observe resistance within myself against the things I know will make my life more enjoyable in the long run. This awareness gives me the freedom to CHOOSE, which I am so deeply grateful for. Also, taking on the role of being a compassionate mentor for myself has helped me to trust myself more and feel more relaxed.

—Jolijn, The Netherlands

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

It might seem small, but there have been HUGE differences in my life. I’ve been looking for a job for the past year with no success and I just got hired for an amazing position making double the money of my last job. I think I have been more confident in my abilities, which helped a lot with the interview process.

—Michelle, U.S.A.

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Friends and I have noticed my wife’s new aura since participating in your online course, Alex. The other day she came out with this little gem: “You are created to be exactly who you are.” Our love has always been strong but thanks to Heart-to-Heart it has reached new heights.

—John (Mindfulness Coach), Australia

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

It is an empowering feeling to let go of extra baggage that I had unknowingly been carrying around for years! I feel like the butterfly emerging from its cocoon; my world seems so colorful, shiny, and bright now! I see it in a whole new perspective! xoxo 🙂

—Cindy, U.S.A.

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

SELF COMPASSION: Do you have it? Do you want more of it? Are you ready to turn down the voice of the inner critic? I did Alex Mill’s 30-days of self-compassion practices a few months ago. You just listen to his recorded instructions (or read) each day. Every exercise is a gift to yourself.

I LOVE how Alex says, “LEARN HOW TO BECOME THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.” This is so true and in such a beautiful way! My 21 year-old son was so inspired by me that he is on Day 4 now. I encourage you to check it out and reach out if you would like to know more. This program is a best-kept secret 🙂

—Karen, U.S.A.

NOTE: Terri is one of 3 employees from Extendicare, a healthcare company in Canada, who were registered by the company to participate in this program as part of their performance program related to work ethics.

I realized that I am my own worst enemy and also my own best friend. I’m learning to replace the self-critical voices with positive reassurances. I’m learning to be a mentor to myself. I realize now that no one can make these changes in my life but me. I’m not claiming to be 100% fixed. I still have a ways to go, but this retreat has given me the tools. I’ve noticed I’m more compassionate with residents and co-workers at my job.

I would like everyone to know that Alex Mill is a great mentor and guide on this retreat. He will tell you how it is and make suggestions to help you along but in the most loving, caring, supportive way. You will not regret it. Put in the time and the work and you will be surprised what you learn about yourself.

—Terri, Canada

At about the three-week mark, my life was forever changed. So many doors are opening for me.

Do the work. Make it a priority. Give yourself this Gift!!

❤️ You deserve it.

—Linda E., U.S.A.

I was experiencing fear and self-doubt. I have been meditating but was not experiencing the progress or the results in my life like I wanted.

I learned that I am my own coach and mentor and it’s all inside me.
I learned that negativity and resistance are voices that are not the true me.
I learned how to support myself through trying times and how to use compassion when things are dark.
I learned how to truly love myself and be compassionate to myself.
I learned the process to make this possible and I learned it’s never too late to begin again.

I now know how to encourage and appreciate myself through a practice that is designed to support, mentor and coach myself.

Alex is loving, kind, honest, authentic, and encouraging. He will lovingly guide you to the next level in self-awareness.

—Linda P., U.S.A.

I had read The Power of Now and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, but I hadn’t quite grasped the concept and still found myself being led by unconscious behaviour. I really wanted to explore this deeper. I then read books by Jack Kornfield and found the Buddhist teachings resonated with me at a deep level. When Alex posted a comment in a Facebook group, I was curious so I looked him up, read his book, A Shift to Love, and then curiosity brought me to this retreat.

Alex explained the concept of the voices in your head in a way that I finally understood. I now know what is real and what isn’t, who is speaking and how to tell the difference. I really enjoyed the 1:1 session with Alex, exploring my concerns, probing deeper into old behaviour patterns and why I thought the way I did, and how to see things differently.

I have learned how to treat myself with compassion and how to show more compassion to others, how to listen properly and give myself better self-care and love. This, in turn, gives my family more love and compassion.

I would encourage anyone to do this course (and the meditation course), it really helped to establish the mediation routine to be doing the retreat at the same time. You get from the retreat as much as you put into it. Alex is right there with you—but you need to do the work too.

—Vicky H., U.K.

I felt stuck and hopeless. I didn’t know how to cope with my beliefs about feeling not good enough all the time. Whatever I would do, there was always this judgemental voice in my head. It would hold me back from doing things because whatever I did it would never be perfect or good enough. Or it would spoil my singing performances afterward by making me feel bad about myself.

In the retreat, I learned to recognise the voices in my head when they would make me feel bad or hold me back from enjoying myself. Or make me feel I wasn’t good enough. Writing them down and listening back gave me room to breathe. It gave me more space to feel free like I have wanted to feel all my life.

Discovering all the things I love about myself and finding someone who loves me unconditionally was an emotional turning point for me because I was always looking for someone outside of myself to do that. I never expected it would come from me! I understand now that the voices were holding me back from loving myself.

Doing the retreat, and all the fun assignments and the coaching I received, made me overcome my fear of doing what I thought (or the voices told me) was impossible. It made me aware that what I thought I feared was actually fun. By the end, it freed me up and gave me confidence.

People in my surroundings noticed the changes in me and commented on them. It encouraged me to do things differently than the way I was always doing them. I am a singer and even my singing coach couldn’t believe how my singing has changed.

I was hesitant in the beginning to start. But the daily assignments were really fun to do and they gave me many insights. Getting encouragement after my comments every day and the coaching made a huge difference and always left me with hope. I found myself looking forward to the next assignment!

—Corrie, The Netherlands

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

If you are on the fence about this…do it! I could go on and on about how amazing it is, but instead I’ll simply say that it changed my life. You are worth the investment and if you don’t believe that now, take the course and check back with me in 30 days. It is that powerful!

—Jennifer, U.S.A.

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

If you’re thinking of doing this retreat, Go For It! It has been a real Blessing to me! Put the effort in and get a fantastic reward.

—Maureen, Australia

I didn’t have a lot of expectations going into this. I didn’t know what to expect. I was hoping desperately for some insight into my thought process and some tools to move beyond feeling stuck inside my head.

Not only did I realize that I am not at all alone in this human condition, but I’m actually completely normal! I have learned incredibly practical and useful tools to work through the things that confound and confuse me. I have gained a greater understanding of what is happening when I’m feeling confused or stressed or frustrated. I now have a practical guide for thinking things through.

I feel really ready, for the first time in my life, to take on the transformational breakthrough I want desperately and I now know is coming. I will not hide from it any longer.

—Jill, U.S.A.

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

There were a lot of the things buried deep inside of me that arose in the process. I learned that I am not my thoughts. I learned that I have a lot of answers inside of me if I just search deep enough with the right strategy. I became aware of my negative thought patterns and how to challenge them with empowering thoughts. I learned how to gain clarity when things seem really difficult by tapping in to my inner self.

This is amazing work and something I could not have ever imagined would be possible.
I always thought all the answers would be found externally from someone. Now I know most of them can be found internally.

—Rich, U.S.A.

I recently attended this on-line retreat. I have to say I was blown away (and I am rarely blown away). It was a wonderful experience. I garnered many insights about myself, especially my lack of self-compassion!

I would highly recommend this retreat for anyone struggling with negative self talk, busy brain, low self esteem, or any struggle that keeps you stuck, and unable to move ahead.

Alex Mill mixes his insights with his experiential methods of working. He presents the material in an inviting and innovative way that encourages learning, insight, and application (and his art work makes this retreat fun!).

—Marsha, U.S.A.

To say that this online retreat has been transformational would be an understatement … I’ve gained a new perspective, found out some very insightful things about me, developed new tools and new ways to communicate with myself.


Alex … thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

—Cosset, Mexico

If you want a way to move through thoughts and not get yourself wrapped up in them, then committing to this 30 day online course is a powerful start. It’s a way in to living a more fulfilled, happy life with a lot less work and greater ease. Thanks, Alex, for this incredible experience. I’ve already encouraged many people to participate.

—Melissa, U.S.A.


I knew I spent too much time in my head, listening to the voices and giving them power. I allowed them to influence my thinking which in turn impacted my actions and decision making. I signed up for the retreat to learn how to handle the voices so I can show up as the me I truly am.I now have the tools I need and understand how to deal with them.

Since completing the retreat, I view myself in an entirely new way. I had always been hard on myself and put myself down if I failed. Now I see how damaging that is and the impact it had on how I presented myself to others. The ability to forgive and accept my mistakes and limitations has changed not only how I feel about myself, but how I show up to others.

—Todd, U.S.A.

What’s changed? Everything. I found me. I have joy, kindness, compassion, humor and love of me in me. I looked to others to give me these and was always disappointed. I now know that I only have to look inside me to find out how perfect I am right now. Yes, I do have moments of doubt and anxiety. I had a tendency to procrastinate and not finish things. As scary at times the retreat was each day I came out seeing me more perfectly and liking what I saw.

I am meditating, listening to my recordings, finding three things I am grateful for, and exercising daily. Why? because I said I would. My word now means something to me.

For too long I allowed the voices in my head to convince me that it was all right to do what I knew was not right. I suffered, I was anxious, I had high blood pressure, I had panic attacks, I had sleepless nights. Now I just breathe. So simple. I now know when I hear the infamous voice start off with “You…” I know it’s the resistance and I know its objective is to make me suffer. “No thank you.”

The unknown can be scary. Yet I came through meeting me and my mentor. I am different. I am perfect the way I am and I love me the way I am. I know my path is to take this next retreat and I will find deeper beauty, love, joy, happiness, communication, kindness, and, most importantly, me around each bend.

Thank you, Alex, for offering me this opportunity.

—Dick, U.S.A.

Having already done a long road of self-development and healing for personal reasons, I was called to challenge myself on an even deeper journey into self-discovery. Some barriers in my life included the difficulty of giving myself credit for anything, having low self-esteem and lacking self-compassion. Having spoken to Alex before the retreat I felt compelled to try it in order to address these beliefs that I had been carrying.

I learned so much, both about myself but also gained a deeper understanding of both people and happenings in and around my life. It brought me a true sense of awareness of my own worth and my own power to guide myself, through compassion and kindness.

As a result, I began believing in myself, in my own worth and that all my dreams and desires can be achieved, and that any voices trying to talk me out of believing in these are just companions on my path of life, but that they don’t determine my worth.

I truly recommend this retreat for anyone! The results become visible in a very invisible and subtle way, but once they are installed in your awareness, you’ll be elevated to another level of life.

—Hanna, Finland

Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Alex’s course is a gentle procession of consciousness that guided my spirit, nurtured my soul and encouraged my higher self.

—Steve, U.S.A.

I wasn’t sure what to expect before the retreat started, but I knew I wanted a change. I wanted to live differently and feel differently.

And I gained so much! I really understand how important it is to be your own coach, mentor, and supporter.

I really feel like I transformed tremendously. I am so much more aware of the voices in my head. I’m more aware of how I talk to myself and about myself. I really am my own best supporter and I don’t think I would have said that before the retreat.

This retreat is worth every penny, if you are on the fence, go for it! You’re worth the investment and you will be thrilled with the outcome if you put in an honest effort (ten to 20 minutes a day with an open mind).

—Becky, U.S.A.

I expected a deeper analysis of becoming mindful and learning more about my present self and how to continue down the path of becoming a better “me.”

Among many other things, I learned so much about self-compassion, mindfulness, and how to view the world in a more patient, present, and compassionate way. It has helped with my personal and business relationships and given me a platform and energy behind further study and growth.

I know that I have a long way to go, but I am so grateful for this practice. It has helped me become a better business owner, friend, father, and husband. It has opened my eyes to what is possible, particularly by reminding me of the best of who I am from my childhood.

This practice is amazing and transformational. Like anything important in life, it isn’t easy. It takes commitment, humility, and deep inner striving. But, I have enjoyed every day of it. I wish there were 31 days in this month!! 😊

Incredible gratitude goes out to the patient, compassionate, and so-wise, Master Alex (my appellation, surely not his. 😊).

—Rich H., U.S.A.



Over the years, I’ve participated in many activities in an attempt to still the “inner critic”, to have self-compassion, to practice mindfulness. I would push and push myself, believing that if I could just find the right technique and perfect it, then I could learn to love myself. And while I learned a lot on that journey, I often felt like I was going through the motions, doing someone else’s technique, and never connecting with any feelings of love.

This retreat was different. Alex’s ideas, assignments, and personal support helped me discover my own way to care for myself. He showed me how to take the natural love I’m able to express to others and turn it toward me.

Now, as we reach the end of the retreat, I find love, joy, and gratitude bubbling up in unexpected places, as if by magic. There’s still criticism, negativity, and judgment bobbing around in my mind, sometimes quiet, sometimes loud. But now kindness, compassion, and wisdom are there too, to help me weather the storm.

—Maile, U.S.A.



Before signing up for the retreat, I thought I didn’t have the time to really engage in it as I was going through a month full of exams. But the retreat turned out to help me with my studying habits and with my performance in the exams.

I was also going through a period of confusion and I believed that there were too many things in the spiritual realm that I had to figure out. I felt that this retreat would simply not help me with that. I was reading everything I could get hands on, and making the snowball bigger by overthinking it all.

From doing the course, I’ve experienced deeply profound insights in understanding what-is-what and who-is-who in this life game.

I’ve learned that it is not books that really teach, but your life experience, and that REALLY, there is an amazing treasure inside of me, and of us all.

I have learned that I really do care and want the very best for myself, and that I don’t have to work very hard to obtain or gain self-love. Self-love is already in here, and it is always waiting for me to come back home.

I have learned that what the mind THINKS is the wisest thing to say, or to do, is often times not in alignment with what the heart KNOWS is needed.

Reading and reading and theorising about who you are, is very different from knowing who you really are.

I have also learned from this retreat that the mind will do everything to avoid experiencing pain, and that who you are simply wants the best for you, and that means very compassionately calling and opening to your pain to be experienced, without fear, and with such a trust and warmth that it is astonishing how sweet it can be.

My biggest transformation (even though it is still tiny), has been, in brief, to switch my attention to a compassionate voice inside of me that I never believed I myself could have. I always thought that this “compassion thing” was only for a few people, but I am learning that if I focus on it, it is always there, AND that truly is the answer to everything.

I have learned how desperately I need my own compassion because I have always been very hard on myself. Just a glimpse of it is healing.

Also, I would like to highlight Alex’s guidance through all this process. In my experience, we all participants in the retreat show up with our most frightening vulnerabilities, and Alex shows up with such a joy and compassion, absolutely 0 judging and appreciation for you and the work you are doing. He makes you feel like you are loved and very welcomed. His love for life glows even through a screen!! He gives such potent insights that just that is worth experiencing.

—Belén, Spain



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

I had known about Alex’s Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring online retreat for a number of months before I made the decision to take the plunge. I’m glad I didn’t wait a month longer. (Or worse yet, allowed resistance to talk me out of it all together). I came out of it happier, kinder to myself (and others), and equipped with practical tools to provide myself with the wisdom and compassion I’d been seeking from the outside.


Alex has put together a fun, solid, and well organized program which he leads you through with humor and compassion. It’s obvious that he loves what he is doing and is excited to share his wisdom and insights with others. Alex truly cares about you as an individual and it shows in the personal responses he gives each participant. It’s a life changer!


—Rick, U.S.A.



I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this retreat. It is EVERYTHING Alex claims it to be and MORE. Which is nothing short of refreshing in this day and age of “coaches” taking our money and not delivering the value. This retreat is life-changing and Alex offers deep wisdom and insight. Sign up today!!


—Sally, U.S.A.



I wanted to have a genuine, compassionate and loving relationship with myself. I’m so versed in being this way for others, but was lacking my own value and recognizing it in myself. My inner child was needing some serious love, and I was able to do that for her. She is happier and healthier than ever!

I also wanted to reconcile all the anger and blame I put on myself and my mother for the way my life has turned out. It was a breakthrough to speak honestly with her and then to forgive both her and myself.


Thank you 😊

I learned that it is all within/in me. There are endless ways to support myself and live compassionately with all that I show up to be…which I thought in the past was too much.

I discovered that I really can make decisions, love without conditions and speak my authentic truth. And live IN the present moment, which is a big shift for me.

This retreat has something for absolutely everyone!!! The lessons are so valuable and life-changing, it should be a required course in schools, churches, and other self-help institutions.

—Jillian, U.S.A.



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Before starting the retreat I was plagued with self-doubt and negative voices in my head telling me all sorts of things I couldn’t do or at least could never do right. I ate poorly even though I knew it was making me sick and overweight. I lived between moments of happiness and self-loathing.


I really can’t put into words how much this retreat has changed my life! This is well worth any amount of money! I feel much more confident and capable of making decisions. I haven’t beat myself up over anything in weeks! I’m much less stressed and eating better. I feel less sick and worn down because of it. I feel more connected with other people. Being more compassionate with myself has allowed me to be more compassionate with others!


I can’t recommend this retreat enough! It is truly a Life-Transforming experience! Thanks Alex!


—Greg, U.S.A.



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

I was not too sure of doing an “online” retreat as I have not had much success in the past with them. I tend to like “live” events. My desire to do it was increasing my level of compassion. I originally thought for others, but also liked the idea for myself.


I learned so much about how I’m able to let myself be heard, taken care of, supported and loved. I understand more now after the 30 days that everything I ever need is right here with me. I had heard and read that in the past, but now I actually have experienced it first hand through this program and really, really get it!!


The most powerful aspect for me was hearing my own voice and hearing the wisdom that resides within. I never actually heard it for myself and when I did, it changed everything! I’ve gotten more clarity, in sync with the rhythm of the universe and am much gentler with myself and others around me… unbelievable difference!!


I highly, highly recommend this course!! Alex’s years of experience practicing compassion and the interaction with you throughout the course is what makes it come alive! Even though it is “online”, I still felt like Alex was with me all the way through, day-by-day!


—Sherry, U.S.A.



I feel my inner kindness towards myself has increased. I have also adopted a good meditation habit from the 30 days. Up until this point, I do not recall ever meditating for more than a few days without drifting off the habit for weeks or months.


I thoroughly recommend this course. It is a truly unique and transforming experience, like no other I have engaged in. It really does have an effect and is not shallow, but deep and meaningful. It has made an everlasting impression on me.


—Mike, United Kingdom



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

I did expect to learn something about myself, but I did not expect to lose weight without trying, completely wean off Celexa, a low-level antidepressant, and be able to access my full creativity again during the four weeks of the retreat.


—Erin, U.S.A.


From Erin 2 months later: I continue to benefit from increased inner permission to lean toward joy, less worrying about what others think, heightened awareness of when I need to give myself a pep talk or hug, and a steady meditation practice 2 months past completing the retreat. I describe it to people as “life-changing” and can’t recommend the course enough! Thank you for your generosity in sharing this with the world. 🙂



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Awesome retreat. Recommended to anyone who wants to fight resistance, procrastination, and self-hate or who just wants to develop a better relationship with her/himself.


—Szilvia, Germany



Before the retreat, my problem was overcoming resistance and listening to negative self talk — just enough to take me out of action.

I learned, and soon understood, just how active the voice in my head actually is. The commentary literally rarely stops. I also noticed that this commentary is rarely compassionate or helpful. It is usually judgemental and negative. It is full of shoulds, can’ts and commentary on others.

I realized early on in the course how to overcome and even laugh at resistance and that negative self-talk. To notice the voice and watch it, but not allow it to consume my whole mind or act on those impulses. To allow the thoughts and voice to just be, however not allow it to create emotions that affect my actions. I also believe this helps me live more from deliberate choices and less from habit.

Many of the exercises made me a bit uncomfortable! Gently pushing the edges of my comfort zone day-by-day. This continuous expansion of my comfort zone and day-by-day triumph over resistance has made running my business much more enjoyable and I feel much less resistance throughout the day. Another huge benefit I have found is an increased feeling of the spaciousness of time. No need to rush.

—Dave, Canada



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

The big shift for me was being able to observe resistance within myself against the things I know will make my life more enjoyable in the long run. This awareness gives me the freedom to CHOOSE, which I am so deeply grateful for. Also, taking on the role of being a compassionate mentor for myself has helped me to trust myself more and feel more relaxed.


—Jolijn, The Netherlands



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

It might seem small, but there have been HUGE differences in my life. I’ve been looking for a job for the past year with no success and I just got hired for an amazing position making double the money of my last job. I think I have been more confident in my abilities, which helped a lot with the interview process.


—Michelle, U.S.A.



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Friends and I have noticed my wife’s new aura since participating in your online course, Alex. The other day she came out with this little gem: “You are created to be exactly who you are.” Our love has always been strong but thanks to Heart-to-Heart it has reached new heights.


—John (Mindfulness Coach), Australia



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

If you’re thinking of doing this retreat, Go For It! It has been a real Blessing to me! Put the effort in & get fantastic reward.


—Maureen, Australia



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

It is an empowering feeling to let go of extra baggage that I had unknowingly been carrying around for years! I feel like the butterfly emerging from its cocoon; my world seems so colorful, shiny, and bright now! I see it in a whole new perspective! xoxo


—Cindy, U.S.A.



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

SELF COMPASSION: Do you have it? Do you want more of it? Are you ready to turn down the voice of the inner critic? I did Alex Mill’s 30-days of self-compassion practices a few months ago. You just listen to his recorded instructions (or read) each day. Every exercise is a gift to yourself.


I LOVE how Alex says, “LEARN HOW TO BECOME THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.” This is so true and in such a beautiful way! My 21 year-old son was so inspired by me that he is on Day 4 now. I encourage you to check it out and reach out if you would like to know more. This program is a best-kept secret 🙂


—Karen, U.S.A.



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Alex’s course is a gentle procession of consciousness that guided my spirit, nurtured my soul and encouraged my higher self.


—Steve, U.S.A.



I wasn’t sure what to expect before the retreat started, but I knew I wanted a change. I wanted to live differently and feel differently.

And I gained so much! I really understand how important it is to be your own coach, mentor, and supporter.

I really feel like I transformed tremendously. I am so much more aware of the voices in my head. I’m more aware of how I talk to myself and about myself. I really am my own best supporter and I don’t think I would have said that before the retreat.

This retreat is worth every penny, if you are on the fence, go for it! You’re worth the investment and you will be thrilled with the outcome if you put in an honest effort (ten to 20 minutes a day with an open mind).

—Becky, U.S.A.



NOTE: Terri is one of 3 employees from Extendicare, a healthcare company in Canada, who were registered by the company to participate in this program as part of their performance program related to work ethics.

I realized that I am my own worst enemy and also my own best friend. I’m learning to replace the self-critical voices with positive reassurances. I’m learning to be a mentor to myself. I realize now that no one can make these changes in my life but me. I’m not claiming to be 100% fixed. I still have a ways to go, but this retreat has given me the tools. I’ve noticed I’m more compassionate with residents and co-workers at my job.

I would like everyone to know that Alex Mill is a great mentor and guide on this retreat. He will tell you how it is and make suggestions to help you along but in the most loving, caring, supportive way. You will not regret it. Put in the time and the work and you will be surprised what you learn about yourself.

—Terri, Canada



At about the three-week mark, my life was forever changed. So many doors are opening for me.
Do the work. Make it a priority. Give yourself this Gift!!
❤️ You deserve it.

—Linda E., U.S.A.



I expected the retreat to be great. It turned out to be transformational.
Before I started, I felt I had a good level of self-awareness yet still experienced lots of ‘noise’ between my ears.

Through completing the 30-day online retreat, I feel I have a closer relationship with myself and I have a better understanding of the real me vs. the voice of resistance.

I find myself treating myself kinder, more compassionately and I feel generally happier! My romantic relationship has improved greatly over the last 30 days, something I didn’t expect to happen. My level of presence has increased, which is having a positive effect on my business as well as my personal life.

I’m excited about the future!

—Will, Germany



Before starting this online retreat, I had a difficult time being with myself. I wasn’t even sure who I was. I had very low confidence in myself and often stopped myself from doing things that would help me grow in a positive manner. I would allow the voice to constantly badger, beat me up, and hold me back from a lot. It even stopped me from creating new relationships and taking new opportunities at work. I thought the voice was just me thinking of every possible outcome and was trying to keep me safe. But I was wrong.


What I learned is that the voice is not me!


It is there to keep me down. This retreat awakened me to that and showed me how to counter that voice! How to stop it dead in its tracks.


In doing this online retreat I have learned how to be a support for myself. I don’t need another person there to make me feel good about who I am because I can do that for myself!


I learned more about who I am, my laugh, what my real voice sounds like, how supportive and compassionate I can be, how to listen, how to be comfortable with myself, and how to mentor myself in times of stress and worry.


This retreat also gave me tools to stop habits and to create new practices! I experienced a ton of growth!


As a result, I have established new friends the voice often told me I should not engage with for silly reasons. I have taken on more responsibilities at work teaching classes that the voice told me I could not teach — but here I am killing it with new permanent classes on my schedule and looking into a potential raise!! I have become more confident in myself and learned to communicate with myself and those around me in a more compassionate way, thus making my relationships better! I have been given a practice to continue on with knowing that whatever hardships may arise I am here for me!


This retreat was fun and full of new surprises everyday! It allowed me use my creativity to the fullest and it unlocked secrets about myself I never knew! It gave me universal tools I can use in every aspect of my life.


Above all, it gave me a relationship with myself


—Sierra, U.S.A.



Self Mentoring Retreat

I believe this retreat has changed my life. This is not something I say lightly and, in fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever said it about anything.


A month ago the negative self-talk would have been swirling around inside my head, beating me up, tearing me down. The tone and content of the conversations I have with myself are so completely different now! I feel more confident and able to deal effectively with the tough things life throws in my path. I’m so excited!! It’s so amazing to know a new way.


I feel unstoppable!


—Anita, U.S.A.



I feel more in touch with myself, more willingness to celebrate my achievements, and more delight in just being me. Commit to the whole nine yards — the whole month — and it will pay you back greatly in a better understanding of self-compassion and growth.


—Trace, United Kingdom



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Knowing that I was being way too hard on myself and wishing there was a way to be kinder to myself, I learned (by doing the assignments in this retreat) that there is an innate part of me that is kind, compassionate, wise, and loving.


I learned that I can fall down and then get back up again and feel good about my efforts to complete the course, which was an accomplishment for me since I have so often “dropped out” of things like this in the past.


Alex was incredibly encouraging and patient. He even took the time to help coach me over the phone when I was feeling really stuck in the middle of the retreat.


I think anyone who ever struggles with the voices in their heads would benefit from doing Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring. Anyone that is ever unkind to themselves or imagines they are not enough, not doing enough, not good enough, not ____ enough, this work will help you to see what’s really true and how to live into that truth with more grace and ease than you could have before.


—Tal, U.S.A.



Alex truly does provide insightful guidance through this month long retreat of empowering self-discovery that flipped my view of the world downside up and upside down, the result being a much more kind, compassionate, loving relationship with myself that translates into all my interactions with others. People notice the difference!


— Michele, U.S.A.



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Before I started this online course, I was struggling every day to enjoy my life, to move forward from divorce and events that I thought defined me and had me feeling like I was stuck in thick mud.


Heart-to-Heart taught me to identify and separate my TRUE self from that of thoughts/feelings that are just habitual, fear-based dialogues I adopted throughout my life experiences. I have transformed into a Robyn who more easily recognizes herself and makes decisions rooted in my genuine interests.


Alex is a heart-full, deeply compassionate and committed guide. His presence, support and spot-on encouragement made this course have the BRILLIANT impact that it did. The course AND Alex together are the magic. Thank you, dear one.


—Robyn, U.S.A.



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

Before starting this course, I was feeling quite stuck. I was caught up in my day-to-day tasks and perceived obligations. I was wanting to create more in my life; I was looking for a boost out of the stuckness.


By doing this online retreat, I learned the many tactics that are used to sabotage my growth and happiness. I appreciated the perspective of ‘the voices’ because it allowed me to separate myself from the limiting thoughts that arise within me. In separating myself from them, I was able to clearly see that they only have power over me if I allow them the power. I can choose the more loving, compassionate and encouraging thoughts.


—Jessica, U.S.A.



I wanted to find a way to identify the “voices” of resistance in my own head and learn not to let them control me.

Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring helped me realize that I am actually doing much better than I thought and that I am a better person than “I” (the Voices?) thought. Through one particular exercise, I discovered that I already possess many of the qualities that I admire in others and that was very surprising to me.

Additionally, I learned so many techniques and strategies in this retreat. One very important one was to be my own mentor in any given situation.

In another, I learned how to be a better listener to myself and those around me. It inspired me to be a more present and attentive listener with my 4-year-old boy. And that’s been transformational to our relationship. If this one, seemingly “small” thing was the only thing that came from me signing up for this retreat, it would have been worth 10 times the cost!

—Bret, U.S.A.



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

I participated in Alex Mill´s Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring online retreat twice and it has been an absolutely astonishing experience, which I can whole-heartedly recommend attending. I loved how he uses unique tools and techniques to help us gain very important insights. The daily assignments are a lot of fun, go deep, are never boring and very effective. The sequence of the assignments is very well chosen and contains some really good surprises. I learned a lot about myself during this process and it has been absolutely eye and mind-opening to me. Thank you so much, Alex, for all your work. Very grateful for you.


— Arzu, Germany



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

If you are on the fence about this…do it! I could go on and on about how amazing it is, but instead I’ll simply say that it changed my life. You are worth the investment and if you don’t believe that now, take the course and check back with me in 30 days. It is that powerful!


—Jennifer, U.S.A.



I didn’t have a lot of expectations going into this. I didn’t know what to expect. I was hoping desperately for some insight into my thought process and some tools to move beyond feeling stuck inside my head.


Not only did I realize that I am not at all alone in this human condition, but I’m actually completely normal! I have learned incredibly practical and useful tools to work through the things that confound and confuse me. I have gained a greater understanding of what is happening when I’m feeling confused or stressed or frustrated. I now have a practical guide for thinking things through.


I feel really ready, for the first time in my life, to take on the transformational breakthrough I want desperately and I now know is coming. I will not hide from it any longer.


—Jill, U.S.A.



Heart to Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring

There were a lot of the things buried deep inside of me that arose in the process. I learned that I am not my thoughts. I learned that I have a lot of answers inside of me if I just search deep enough with the right strategy. I became aware of my negative thought patterns and how to challenge them with empowering thoughts. I learned how to gain clarity when things seem really difficult by tapping in to my inner self.


This is amazing work and something I could not have ever imagined would be possible.
I always thought all the answers would be found externally from someone. Now I know most of them can be found internally.


—Rich, U.S.A.



I recently attended this on-line retreat. I have to say I was blown away (and I am rarely blown away). It was a wonderful experience. I garnered many insights about myself, especially my lack of self-compassion!


I would highly recommend this retreat for anyone struggling with negative self talk, busy brain, low self esteem, or any struggle that keeps you stuck, and unable to move ahead.


Alex Mill mixes his insights with his experiential methods of working. He presents the material in an inviting and innovative way that encourages learning, insight, and application (and his art work makes this retreat fun!).


—Marsha, U.S.A.



To say that this online retreat has been transformational would be an understatement … I’ve gained a new perspective, found out some very insightful things about me, developed new tools and new ways to communicate with myself.




Alex … thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


—Cosset, Mexico



If you want a way to move through thoughts and not get yourself wrapped up in them, then committing to this 30 day online course is a powerful start. It’s a way in to living a more fulfilled, happy life with a lot less work and greater ease. Thanks, Alex, for this incredible experience. I’ve already encouraged many people to participate.


—Melissa, U.S.A.



I knew I spent too much time in my head, listening to the voices and giving them power. I allowed them to influence my thinking which in turn impacted my actions and decision making. I signed up for the retreat to learn how to handle the voices so I can show up as the me I truly am.I now have the tools I need and understand how to deal with them.

Since completing the retreat, I view myself in an entirely new way. I had always been hard on myself and put myself down if I failed. Now I see how damaging that is and the impact it had on how I presented myself to others. The ability to forgive and accept my mistakes and limitations has changed not only how I feel about myself, but how I show up to others.

—Todd, U.S.A.



I was experiencing fear and self-doubt. I have been meditating but was not experiencing the progress or the results in my life like I wanted.
I learned that I am my own coach and mentor and it’s all inside me.
I learned that negativity and resistance are voices that are not the true me.
I learned how to support myself through trying times and how to use compassion when things are dark.
I learned how to truly love myself and be compassionate to myself.
I learned the process to make this possible and I learned it’s never too late to begin again.
I now know how to encourage and appreciate myself through a practice that is designed to support, mentor and coach myself.
Alex is loving, kind, honest, authentic, and encouraging. He will lovingly guide you to the next level in self-awareness.

—Linda P., U.S.A.



What’s changed? Everything. I found me. I have joy, kindness, compassion, humor and love of me in me. I looked to others to give me these and was always disappointed. I now know that I only have to look inside me to find out how perfect I am right now. Yes, I do have moments of doubt and anxiety. I had a tendency to procrastinate and not finish things. As scary at times the retreat was each day I came out seeing me more perfectly and liking what I saw.
I am meditating, listening to my recordings, finding three things I am grateful for, and exercising daily. Why? because I said I would. My word now means something to me.
For too long I allowed the voices in my head to convince me that it was all right to do what I knew was not right. I suffered, I was anxious, I had high blood pressure, I had panic attacks, I had sleepless nights. Now I just breathe. So simple. I now know when I hear the infamous voice start off with “You…” I know it’s the resistance and I know its objective is to make me suffer. “No thank you.”
The unknown can be scary. Yet I came through meeting me and my mentor. I am different. I am perfect the way I am and I love me the way I am. I know my path is to take this next retreat and I will find deeper beauty, love, joy, happiness, communication, kindness, and, most importantly, me around each bend.
Thank you, Alex, for offering me this opportunity.

—Dick, U.S.A.



I signed up for the retreat after reading Alex’s book, A Shift to Love. I was at a point in my life where I felt I needed to grow in certain areas and decided to sign up for the retreat to facilitate in that endeavor.

The retreat was more than I could have imagined. It gave me a base from which to work from so I could become more confident in my decisions, love myself, appreciate my good qualities, and be open to the possibilities that lie ahead.

The result of the retreat was that I became more capable of making really good decisions for myself. I could use the love I had for myself to not beat myself up for any thing I was struggling with. I had myself as the support I needed to get through any tough times.

If you feel that there must be something more out there, that you are missing something in your life, that you need help with getting through difficulties, or that you have patterns you want to change, I believe this month long would be of a great help! I am so grateful I took the plunge. It was fun, challenging, enlightening, caring, and kind. Also completely unexpected. Alex does an amazing job of building the month long in a systematic way so that each day builds upon the next. He is there every step of the way to support you so that you have a successful program. I am forever grateful.

—Marion, U.S.A.



Having already done a long road of self-development and healing for personal reasons, I was called to challenge myself on an even deeper journey into self-discovery. Some barriers in my life included the difficulty of giving myself credit for anything, having low self-esteem and lacking self-compassion. Having spoken to Alex before the retreat I felt compelled to try it in order to address these beliefs that I had been carrying.

I learned so much, both about myself but also gained a deeper understanding of both people and happenings in and around my life. It brought me a true sense of awareness of my own worth and my own power to guide myself, through compassion and kindness.

As a result, I began believing in myself, in my own worth and that all my dreams and desires can be achieved, and that any voices trying to talk me out of believing in these are just companions on my path of life, but that they don’t determine my worth.

I truly recommend this retreat for anyone! The results become visible in a very invisible and subtle way, but once they are installed in your awareness, you’ll be elevated to another level of life.

—Hanna, Finland



I had read The Power of Now and A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, but I hadn’t quite grasped the concept and still found myself being led by unconscious behaviour. I really wanted to explore this deeper. I then read books by Jack Kornfield and found the Buddhist teachings resonated with me at a deep level. When Alex posted a comment in a Facebook group, I was curious so I looked him up, read his book, A Shift to Love, and then curiosity brought me to this retreat.

Alex explained the concept of the voices in your head in a way that I finally understood. I now know what is real and what isn’t, who is speaking and how to tell the difference. I really enjoyed the 1:1 session with Alex, exploring my concerns, probing deeper into old behaviour patterns and why I thought the way I did, and how to see things differently.

I have learned how to treat myself with compassion and how to show more compassion to others, how to listen properly and give myself better self-care and love. This, in turn, gives my family more love and compassion.

I would encourage anyone to do this course (and the meditation course), it really helped to establish the mediation routine to be doing the retreat at the same time. You get from the retreat as much as you put into it. Alex is right there with you—but you need to do the work too.

—Vicky H., U.K.



I felt stuck and hopeless. I didn’t know how to cope with my beliefs about feeling not good enough all the time. Whatever I would do, there was always this judgemental voice in my head. It would hold me back from doing things because whatever I did it would never be perfect or good enough. Or it would spoil my singing performances afterward by making me feel bad about myself.

In the retreat, I learned to recognise the voices in my head when they would make me feel bad or hold me back from enjoying myself. Or make me feel I wasn’t good enough. Writing them down and listening back gave me room to breathe. It gave me more space to feel free like I have wanted to feel all my life.

Discovering all the things I love about myself and finding someone who loves me unconditionally was an emotional turning point for me because I was always looking for someone outside of myself to do that. I never expected it would come from me! I understand now that the voices were holding me back from loving myself.

Doing the retreat, and all the fun assignments and the coaching I received, made me overcome my fear of doing what I thought (or the voices told me) was impossible. It made me aware that what I thought I feared was actually fun. By the end, it freed me up and gave me confidence.

People in my surroundings noticed the changes in me and commented on them. It encouraged me to do things differently than the way I was always doing them. I am a singer and even my singing coach couldn’t believe how my singing has changed.

I was hesitant in the beginning to start. But the daily assignments were really fun to do and they gave me many insights. Getting encouragement after my comments every day and the coaching made a huge difference and always left me with hope. I found myself looking forward to the next assignment!

—Corrie, The Netherlands




Heart-to-Heart: Compassionate Self-Mentoring



  • 30 daily exercises that form the core of the program
  • A printable accountability calendar to keep you on track
  • A library of interactions between Alex and former retreatants
  • An online support forum with access to guidance
  • Optional weekly group sessions with Alex’s community
  • Four 50-minute one-on-one private sessions with Alex


Get started with a deposit of:


$1000 USD

Are you ready for Inner Peace and Freedom?



“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe,
deserve your love and affection.”
—The Buddha





Alex Mill and Zen Life Coaching, LLC offer no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally, in writing or otherwise regarding specific results. Results for each person may significantly vary. No one represented has been paid or otherwise compensated. None of the testimonials or reviews on this website have been scripted and are true and accurate to the best of the knowledge of Alex Mill and Zen Life Coaching, LLC.


Transform your life and business through mindfulness, meditation, and conscious, compassionate awareness
